One of my mentors once mentioned to me that in order to have a better understanding of yourself and your feelings you must look deep inside yourself to understanding what is going on. As such he recommended keeping a 30 day journal. For this journal you will answer several questions twice a day, once when you wake up and once before going to sleep. From there, you will be able to look back through the journal to have a better understanding of what is going on in your life.

So let’s get started on the journal. In the morning when you wake up there are a few questions you should answer: 1) How are you feeling? 2) What do you want to accomplish? 3) How do you plan to accomplish it? By answering these questions we can get off to a good start so that we can understand your mindset and plan for the day.

At the end of the day prior to bed, we will then answer the following questions: 1) What did you accomplish today? 2) Did you accomplish what you had planned? 3) If no, why not? 4) How are you feeling? These questions will help us better understand how the day went.

After looking at your answers to these questions, we will be able to better understand what happened over the course of the day. Did you accomplish what you want? If not, why weren’t you able to? What changed over the course of the day? Why did it change? If we can understand these questions, we can better understand what is going on in your life. We will be able to understand how and why your attitude has changed. From there we can take a look at what we can do to ensure that moving forward you will be able to keep your emotions and mental status in check so that you can accomplish your goals for the day.

If we can understand this, then we can better understand what is going on during a game. As such we will be able to self-right quicker and get back on the right page when things aren’t going the way you want.