Always remember the better team isn't always the team that wins the game. The game will ultimately be decided by team that is willing to fight to the end. The team where everyone is willing to look at the person next to them and realize that they aren't fighting for themselves, but rather for the team. You are not alone in this battle. If you only look at the numbers Goliath will always beat David but that doesn't always happen. The team that isn't afraid to lose, the team that is ready to put everything on the line, the team that stands together and say no matter what we will not go down without a fight. That's the team that I want to be a part of, that's the team that is going to work for each other and not against one another. The team that puts 100% into every game from start to finish, not from start till it seems too hard. That's the team that will come out ahead. A lose isn't the end, it's an opportunity a chance to learn and improve. A lose that you have put everything into isn't something to be ashamed of. The only thing that should bother you is knowing that you lost and you didn't give it everything you had as an individual. If you stand on that field and give up before the game is over then you should feel ashamed. But if you can walk off that field knowing that you put everything you had into that game until the very end it will still hurt, but you can rest knowing that you did everything you could. Remember, the game doesn’t end until the final whistle. It only takes a split second to change the tide of a match so work till the end.