Stay true to what got you to where you are

Stay true to what got you to where you are. Create an identity for yourself and your team. Come up with a style of play that suits you and stick to it.

Alright so when things are going well it is very easy to stick to what got you to where you are. Things are going your way so you are less likely to doubt yourself or your ability.

When things aren’t going well though that is when it starts to get tricky. When you start to lose or aren’t playing the way you like it is very easy to lose your way. You start to question whether or not you are doing things the way you should be. Is there a better way? Should I be doing something else? What if I did this instead? The more you question yourself the easier it is to stray from your path and the more things go wrong the more likely you are to question yourself.

Here’s the thing though, staying true to what got you to where you are is important in matches when things aren’t going your way. But, you can’t stay true to what got you to where you are during practice and training sessions. It might seem counter intuitive, but it is rather simple. You might believe that if you want to continue to grow you must continue doing what you have been doing, which is half true. The issue though is that if you only do what you have been doing you will never grow. Growth comes from change and from being uncomfortable. Doing what you have always done in practice and training will not force change or make uncomfortable. To grow you must deviate from what got you to where you are and work harder.

So in short, stay true to what got you to where you are when you are competing. But, during practice and training make sure that you try new things and grow.