Players must trust each other

Players must trust each other

Two weeks ago I wrote that coaches have to trust their player to get the best out of them. Last week I wrote that players have to trust their coaches to get the playing time they deserve. Players though must trust each other.

Here’ the thing about trust, when you don’t trust each other you won’t work for them. You won’t work as hard to accomplish the goal of the team. You won’t work as hard to help your teammates. Instead you will work twice as hard to cover for your teammates. You will do double the work since you won’t trust your teammates to do their job. You will end up doing your job and the job of those around you. When this happens you won’t be helping anyone, instead you will be letting down the team. You will lose focus on what you need to do. Since your focus will be diverted you will miss the things you need to pay most attention to.

If instead you trust your teammates you will be able to focus on what you need to. When you trust your teammates you will believe in them. You will trust that they will do what they need to do for the team. With you trusting your teammates you will no longer work to cover for them in the belief that they will not do what they need to. In turn this will allow you to focus on what you need to do for the team.

In short, lack of trust in your teammates leads to the downfall of the team. Trust in the team leads to the growth of the team.