Know your why

Know your why

So here’s the question, why? Why are you doing what you are doing? Why are you playing? Why are participating? Why do you do anything?

Every morning when you wake up you should have a plan for what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. If you know what you want to do, then there should be a reason why you want to do it. That reason will guide you and help you accomplish your goals for the day.

So if you have a plan for the day, then you should also have a plan for the game you are playing or the practice you are attending. You should have a clear objective for why you are showing up. Are you there to develop an old skill or are you there to learn a new one? Are you there to push others to be their best? Are you there to become a better version of you and push yourself? Or are you just out there to have fun and enjoy yourself? What is your why? what is your reason for showing up? No matter what your why is you should always take time to figure one out.

When you have a clear why for being there everything else will become easier. The game will become more enjoyable and your reason for playing will become clearer. You won’t have to question what you are doing. There won’t be a question as to what your objective is. You can show up to every game and every practice with a clear and concise purpose.