“Never think small, think big”, I got this quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger and it really resonated with me. Arnold was saying that no matter what he wanted to do he always aimed to be the best at it and get the highest he could get. When he was body building he wanted to have the most muscles and be the strongest, when he was becoming an actor he wanted to be a super star and when he was running for government he wanted to be the governor, not city council member or anything else. No matter what he wanted to do he always aimed to be the best at it and reach for the highest he could.

Here’s the thing, everyone is going to fall at some point and everyone is eventually going to fail. And when you do you will only be able to fall so far (as Arnold puts it, you can only fall as far as the ground). People are scared of aiming too high because they are scared of failing. But one never truly fails unless they fall and fail to stand back up.

The bigger you think, when you fail you will already be closer to your goal and it will be easier to reach your objective. As long as you keep being resilient and keep getting up your goal will be within your grasp. Think big and stay strong!